Effortless Living
The art of creating your dream life. You can feel good today!
And the only thing you need to do is change your focus, what you think of!
Come and experience with us how easy it really is to feel better, both in your body and mind. There are no limits to how good we can be, how good we can feel.
We share the tools that have helped us. Discover more!

Youtube recordings
Everyone can channel - part 1
You receive signals from life, your higher self, angels, spirits, energies, deceased loved ones all the time. You have access to what you give space and space for in your mind and life. The more present you are in the present, the more open you are to receive guidance and information given to you. Join me for the next three episodes on the journey towards openness and receptivity. You are already channeling, although you may not always be aware of it.
Everyone can channel - part 2
The more present you are, the more open you are to channeling the wisdom, guidance, and information that you receive. Meditation helps you to practice presence and it strengthens your confidence to hear, see and perceive messages you receive. You get an exercise to do during the week.
EFT tapping - Sleep better
Tapping is simple, easy to both use and learn, and can be done wherever you are. A few minutes are enough. The method is a kind of psychological acupressure and helps you to create balance and release the resistance to what is happening, what is and is happening, by tapping, dropping at different points on the body. You can never go wrong if your intention and will is to feel good right now, in the midst of strong emotional reactions. EFT tapping as it is also called, gives a feeling of relief whether we are in the middle of anger, sadness, stress, physical or inner pain, fear. EFT tapping creates a balance and gives distance to what you are feeling right now and frees you from your own thought and emotion reactions, you break your own behavioral patterns.
Everyone can channel - part 3
Move from head to heart, from preoccupation to presence and a kind of "emptiness" in the mind. Release doubt and the strong will to help and channel. Have a relaxed mind and a balanced heart to create space for a cleaner channel. You get an exercise to take with you on your way to being a conscious channel for a higher wisdom and intelligence.
Appreciation Party - Meditation
If you were to appreciate every thing, property, peculiarity, situation and feeling in every moment, you would not have time to talk and think of anything else. Think how good you would feel, even if you only did it once a day? Meditate with me and enjoy the feeling of appreciation.

Happy Reterat Live
Here you will find some recorded broadcasts with different themes in Swedish. I tell, meditate with you and give you tools so that you can also create a life that you enjoy. These recordings are approx. 20 min long.
Create a new habit and listen to a recording every day!